Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Updates and a Preview

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, long story.

Anyway my game this week is called Super Mario Crossover. It's a blast if you are into the whole retro gaming thing (like me.) The idea is that you can play through the classic SMB levels with characters from other games, such as Metroid, Zelda, and Castlevania. It's pretty fun but really it's nothing new
Super Mario Crossover

Can anyone tell me if Jonah Hex is worth watching? I would appreciate the help.

Here's the new top 5 songs:
1: Way Down Here, Kenny Chesney
Kenny Chesney is one of the most versatile country players out there, he has gone traditional, pop, rock, and J. Buffet style island music. This album subscribes to the latter school of thought. While this is isn't the best song on the album, it describes what this album is, fundamentally. Good, old-fashioned, summer chill music.
2: Sinners Like Me, Eric Church
Okay, go read my notes on Jamey Johnson, then leave out the part about the song of the year, the heartbreaks, and the awesome voice, and you get Eric Church. He is a spectacular song writer who is sadly under appreciated in his genre. His first album Sinners Like Me, has several good radio songs that all did pretty decent, but buy the album and you realize just how awesome this guy really is. His latest album Love Your Love the Most, is also pretty good, but it's less accessible to someone who is not already a fan.
3: Devil's Waitin', Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Allow me to indulge myself with yet one more BRMC song. The album this is off of is AWESOME!! The album Howl is where BRMC got interesting. Where they went from some sort of niche band with a tribute sound to a band with it's own identity. This album is pure Americana bringing up images of the deep south around the turn of the 19th and 20th century. Just listen to this track, which details a man in prison who thinks he knows it all, but realizes that he knows nothing beyond his life, and then go listen to the rest of it.
4: Texas Flood, Stevie Ray Vaughan
This one may get some groans, but SRV was amazing. In case you didn't know, SRV basically single-handedly revived Blues in popular culture in the 70's and 80's. He only released three albums though, because he once got in that trap for musicians everywhere: the aircraft. After what is considered biggest show of his life, he was planning on driving to the next stop, but heard that one of the guys he was sharing the stage with (you ever heard of Eric Clapton?) had an extra seat on a helicopter. Luckily, Clapton was not aboard, unluckily, the plane crashed within minutes of take-off and there were no survivors. Anyway, while he was alive, SRV established himself as a guitar god amongst the likes of Clapton, Hendrix, King, Gibbons, and BB King. He only released 5 albums during his life, but several more have been published posthumously. Texas Flood is by no means his most popular track, (maybe Crossfire, Cold Shot, or his cover of Voodoo Child (Slight Return)), but is one of his bluesiest, so it's really distinguished from others on this list.
5: Back in Black, AC/DC
Hey it's AC/DC, nuff said. Wait no, it's BACK IN BLACK!!! The title track of the bestselling (ever!) rock album! I think it's the second best selling of all genres behind Michael Jackson's Thriller. So anyway, yeah I'm totally indulging myself here but I'm gonna do it anyway!

Coming soon!!
What exactly is a Gender-sucker? find out in the next blast of Mumblings of a Desert Dude!

PS I'm really gonna start posting more, just hang tight!

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