Friday, June 18, 2010

Game of the (week?) and Toy Story 3

I don't know how often I will be posting flash games, but this one is too good to pass up!
It's called Bang!Heroes and is a run'n'gun shooter with a western/steampunk theme
This game is a blast and I am happy to provide a link to it!

In other news, Toy Story 3 came out today!!!
I cannot tell you how happy I was when I first saw the teaser for this, and I've gotten nothing but more excited as the time goes by! I was planning on attending the midnight premier, however, plans change. So I will be seeing Sunday! Comments on the plot are forbidden!
It's funny, I don't know very many little kids but most of them are like "meh, it's another movie." Meanwhile, people around 16-21 are flipping out, myself included! It seems that not only has nostalgia started rearing its head early this generation, but the more I watch the original, and it's just-as-good sequel, I realize that these are a couple of completely brilliant movies! Every time I watch them (probably in the hundreds by now) I laugh! I notice something new, or I get another joke I didn't before, or I appreciate a character I didn't before, or something. They're both extremely fine pieces of film making.
Also, Toy Story was Pixar's big break, the one that paved the way for all the brilliant stuff to come out of that studio for the next decade or so, most importantly, though, is the fact that this pretty much revitalized cartoons as movies. If you look at the stuff that came out in 1995 (at least the top ten movies) Toy Story is the only cartoon other than Pocahontas. That should say something right there, Pocahontas wasn't exactly the classic Disney would have liked it to be, but anyway that's beside the point. From 1990-1995 exactly three cartoon movies are worth remembering (at least in the mainstream): The Lion King, Aladdin, and Beauty and the Beast. "But wait" you say "Those are undeniable masterpieces," well of course they are! At least the first and the last are, Aladdin is not quite a masterpiece. Still, those are the only ones, in 1996 101 Dalmations and the Hunchback of Notre Dame came out (wee), but then it's all silent for the rest of the decade, except for A Bug's Life and Toy Story 2. Kind of funny huh? Of course in 2000 we got The Emperor's New Groove (awesome), but that's again beside the point. Since then we've gotten Monsters Inc., The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, and Up. All great movies! Of course we also have Cars and Wall-E which are both on the average side, but that's a pretty good track record for one studio!
I guess what I'm saying is I'm so stoked about this movie that I can't hardly keep from going out and watching it until Sunday!

This is Desertrat, typing out into cyberspace from a remote location in the Arizona desert!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, the link to the game is black!
    Just highlight underneath the text, blogger won't let me fix it it.
