Monday, September 27, 2010

Great Gadzooks!! A Post from beyond the grave!!!

Yes yes I know you all thought I was dead.
The funeral was lovely though, I thought that James Earl Jones's eulogy was particularly moving.

Anyway I am back, and now that I have come into possession of a new chunk of time I shall be posting with far greater frequency. Starting with a revamp of the music list [read: I'm finally changing the songs], a new feature [read: another distraction], and new games of the week [read: actually posted every week]. So now that the earth shattering revelations are out of the way. I shall now get back to editing the first episode of Sierra Views!

What? Game of the Week you say? fine here ya go.

Warning: there is some blood and violence in this game, I mean, look at the title!
This is a really fun sort of puzzle game that forces you to use basic angles to kill or wound the outlines of guys in suits. Why? I have no idea, I guess because it's fun. Anyway it also includes some sweet music!
Till next time!